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A360 NewsOct 29, 2021 11:25:01 AM< 1 min read

New Unified Services System Type | Advantage 360

Advantage 360 has taken our experience with various technologies like Cable / IPTV, Landline, Internet, VOIP and have combined them into a single System Type which we call a Unified System. This single System Type now supports all the mentioned technologies (and more to come in the future) within a single Rate Plan allowing carriers to configure a more flexible offerings while at the same time simplifying end user activation and Billable ID management. The Unified System was developed and intended to support Fiber Technologies whereby a single provisioned service supports other services. For instance, with Fiber technology, an ONT (Optical Network Terminal, AKA Fiber Modem) brings the internet to the home or business and is essentially the gateway for the ability to other services like VOIP (phone calls) and IPTV Service. This new Unified System Type allows Rate Plans to be configured allowing the user interface to be dynamic and only showing service related options to users based on selected plan options.

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